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Alexandros Galatoulas

It was with great pleasure, on 17/05/24 at Amalia Hotel, Athens, that our CEO Alexandros Galatoulas participated to the round table discussion that INZEB organised as part of the EPBD.wise project framework.

The meeting aimed to analyze and discuss the practical modalities for the implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The aim of the discussion was to define the best approaches for energy efficient buildings in Greece, through the exchange of ideas and the establishment of a framework of workable strategies.

The dialogue was constructive with excellent remarks on how the EPBD recast will be implemented over the next two years, with primary focus on:

  • Energy Performance Certificates, their future evolution and the challenges for their harmonization with the requirements of the revised Directive.

  • Building Renovation Passports as a means to increase the renovation rate while ways to effectively adopt and implement them in Greece will be discussed.

In the discussion there were exceptional representatives from the Goverment cabinets, Private Sector as well as Technical Chambers/ Associations.

Figure 1: Discussion Panel

Figure 2: Discussion Panel

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